Getting started

Learn from a game that’s actually fun.

Learning objectives, online worksheets, powerpoints, how-to videos and more. Start using the game inside your classroom, or as homework – it’s easy.

Seamlessly implement into Google classroom or your other software.


  • New character: The Natural Killer
  • New enemy: The Virus
  • Bug fixes

A (fun) learning tool

Infection Defense immerses players inside the skin, providing a life-like perspective of the immune system. The game isn’t only used as a learning tool, but a medium to inspire curiosity and engage students to STEM. See our resources tab for more information on how to use this tool inside your classroom.

“The game did a good job of helping me understand the immune system. Having visuals and an interactive experience kept me more engaged in the lesson”
– H.H., Student
“The game is pretty informative and fun to play. The functions of the cells were explained nicely, the visuals are good, and little quizzes were neat”
– M.N., Student

“I thought it was really awesome how much I learned just from playing the game. I barely knew anything that was on those survey questions and then just after, I was so much more knowledgeable on it all”

– L.V., Student

“The function of the immune cells are setup perfectly; this is a really good tool”

-Professor of Immunology